Although it has rained all week ' a ray of bright sunshine' fell on the Cassowary Coast on Monday when The Community for Coastal and Cassowary Conservation Inc, C4, celebrated the buy back of cassowary corridor Lot 66. This was achieved through an extraordinary effort on the part of past and present members of C4. The volunteer members of C4 raised $270,000 toward the $500,000 price tag on Lot 66. A partnership with Queensland Trust for Nature, QTFN, secured the balance of the purchase price.
I asked Liz Gallie of Mission Beach Cassowaries to fill in the history of Lot 66.

At the time Mission Beach was booming, sewerage had been installed and an economic upturn brought a focus on Far North Queensland for speculative business opportunities.
Liz told me that at one stage there were 35 development applications, at Mission Beach, being referred for assessment under the Federal government EPBC Act, because of the impact they might have on threatened species or World Heritage areas.
At the time Liz was the voluntary Habitat Coordinator for C4 and had to respond to development applications and changes in legislation with submissions pleading the case for the environment in line with the aims and objectives of C4.
The EPBC Act had never been used to deny a development before so when the then Environment Minister Peter Garrett announced the 40 lot housing subdivision to be "Clearly Unacceptable" because of the impact it would have on the endangered cassowary, this decision gave hope to the conservation community that there may be a change in attitude to development at Mission Beach and a chance that the Cassowary could continue to co-exist within the busy tourist community of Mission Beach.
The importance of Lot 66 to the local and regional habitat corridor system was shown by Terrain NRM and consultants Biotropica's mapping that identified habitat corridors. It was this mapping that the federal government used to base their decision to refuse the development application for Lot 66.
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Peter Garrett with Liz Gallie left and Margaret Thorsborne AO right |
Well done all and a big thank you to Peter Garrett.
Ky sat down under a tree and sprawled out and Snout sat down behind him and both birds appeared to sleep. They stayed in that position long after Jessie left.
Ky stretched out his leg and closed his eyes totally relaxed while Jessie was 10 metres away.
Jessie continued on her way and went into the mangroves of the Coquette Point Wetlands.
She turned around and gave a last look at Snout and Ky as she passed through the nursery gate and saw they were still sleeping under the fruit trees and not interested in her.
Coquette Point is no better and in spite of the NO DOGS sign people are still taking dogs into the World Heritage Wet Tropics Estate.
The cassowaries are not the only creatures at risk of harm from pig dogs. I spoke to Ross the pelican man this morning and he said one of the three resident pelicans has an injured leg, he believes a dog had chased it. I saw Ross first thing this morning as I was opening the gate and coincidentally before the dogs mentioned above turned up.
The other resident shore birds were busy fishing for their breakfast.
Little and Great Egret as well as white-faced heron were fishing. Darter was on the rocks drying his feathers, stretching out his long neck and showing why people call him the snake bird.
When the party with the dogs arrived all the birds flew away.
The black cockatoos are still travelling down to the mouth of the Johnstone River every morning. A few Johnstone River almonds, Terminalia catappa, remain on the trees for them to eat, however, they are also eating the seeds on the paperbark trees, Melaleuca leucadendra. With the drought continuing in western Queensland it appears these resilient birds have permanently moved to the coast.
The hibiscus leaf retreat of the Opisthoncus jumping spider fell this week but not before she made every attempt to build a series of supporting silk cables to hold the leaf. Unfortunately the gale force winds and driving rain on Wednesday night were too much and the leaf-retreat fell.

The male leaden flycatchers are engaging in singing contests to establish their hunting territories.
The erectile semi-crest is displayed and the little tail quivers. A long guttural frog-like squawk is followed by a delightful call of tinkling bells.
Eventually one bird dominates and the other flies away only to repeat the display the very next day; endless entertainment for me.
Moths abound at the moment along with their caterpillars, no wonder there are so many birds around.
The hawk moth caterpillar is easily recognised by the dorsal horn on the last segment. Many of these caterpillars are brightly coloured and have eyespots patterned along their segments which are thought to ward off predators.
The host plant for this large, 7 cm hawk moth caterpillar is the Clerodendrum species of plants.
Australia has 65 species of Hawk Moths with the highest diversity occurring in the Wet Tropics.
I found the hawk moth caterpillar on the left descending to the ground on a long silken thread from the branches of its host plant, the golden bouquet tree, Deplanchea tetraphylla . When the larvae of the hawk moths are ready to pupate they move down into the leaf litter where they make a rough open cocoon on or in the soil. The pupal stage lasts from around 1 to 25 weeks.
There are many beautiful moths in the Wet Tropics rainforest and their caterpillars are a major food source for the birds of the rainforest.
One can but wonder at the diversity and patterns of the natural world.
Its great to have a friend at the Queensland Museum and when I couldn't identify a spider this week an email to Robert Whyte gave me the information by return mail.
I found this beauty on a salvia flower spike. Robert identified it as a Lynx spider in the family Oxyopidae. The 'boxing gloves' signify it is an adult male Robert told me.
All along the Cassowary Coast the beautiful flowers of the native golden penda, Xanthostemon chrysanthus, are showing off their splendour.
This flower is the floral emblem of the Cassowary Coast Regional Council and at the moment the trees planted in the streets and parks around the region are a marvellous blooming sight. If you look carefully you will see their blooms glistening in their natural habitat along the waterways of the Wet Tropics Rainforest.

If you go down to the beach please take a bag to collect rubbish. Every day thousands of birds and sea creatures are killed from items we discard. By far the worst offender is the plastic bag.
Every bit of rubbish you collect could prevent a kill. It is estimated that 100,000 marine creatures are killed every year by plastic.
Please help to keep our coast line free of rubbish.
Cheers for this week,
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