Over a decade of activism by conservation groups and passionate campaigning by scientists like Dr Len Webb slowly led locals and tourist groups to realise the rain forests of north Queensland were special and that they should not be cleared and logged but preserved for their intrinsic value; and incidentally they were valuable for tourism.

The World Heritage listing
has secured a living, vibrant legacy for future generations and ensures that this ancient and irreplaceable landscape is treasured and celebrated by all. The Wet Tropics World Heritage Area offers an outstanding opportunity to enrich the lives of people everywhere through scientific research and tourism.
The outstanding universal values of the Wet Tropics, which we appreciate today, is also the ancient homeland of the many tribes of rainforest Aboriginal people and there are six languages spoken by 18 rainforest Aboriginal tribal groups, currently over 20,000 people, who are deeply connected to these ancient lands and waters, live within the Wet Tropics region.
30 years on blockaders left to right back:- Nola Edwards, Tony Edwards, Colin Grey, Kay Grahame, Pat Shears, Dr Rosemary Hill, Dr Lesley Clarke, Yvonne Cunningham, Sue Wilkie, Dawn Grey, Front Mike Berwick and Cliff Truelove.
The hundreds of newspaper clippings told of the huge support the blockade received from around the world as well as the bloody intransigent mindset of the Bjelke-Petersen Country/National Party Government of the day.
Many famous people spoke out in support of the rainforest including Cliff Richards the singer and David Bellamy, botanist and BBC broadcaster. In the end the Blockade itself became a tourist attraction and centred world wide attention on Queensland's rainforest. The publicity for Queensland tourism was worth millions of dollars.

I took these photos in the World Heritage Daintree Rainforest.
At this time of the year the strongly perfumed flowers of Flindersia barayleyana, the Queensland maple and Flindersia bourjotiana the Northern Silver Ash are flowering in the rainforest. One thinks of rain forests as dank and musty but if you enter the rainforest now the sweet perfume of the Flindersia flowers permeates the air. The perfume wafts from the canopy to the rainforest floor transforming the forest not only with the perfume but the pure white flowers cover the dark leaf-litter painting the forest floor white. Magic happens in the rainforest.
The orange-footed scrub fowls are very active at the moment, tending to their mounds and calling all through the night. For a little bird it makes a big noise.
I walked in a one kilometre line in the Daintree rainforest and counted 11 cassowary scats and one sub-adult cassowary.
The Cassowary population in the Daintree is growing and there is much debate about this success story. Cliff Truelove, who was Rainforest Protecter through the sixties and seventies said they never saw a cassowary in the early days. Now sightings are frequent and new chicks are seen every year.
Another curious factor could also be influencing the sudden success of cassowary breeding. The locals have noticed the female cassowaries are staying with the male and assist in rearing the chicks. Two parents, no doubt, would alter the equation and give the chicks a better chance of survival.
I have observed at Coquette Point that following a cyclone the matriarch cassowary will stay with the male when the chicks hatch. This appears to be a strategy induced by stressful circumstances.
The large contorted buttress roots of many of the Wet Tropics's trees are believed to help the tree consolidate its hold on the earth and are perhaps an evolutenary adaptation to frequent cyclones.
Everywhere you look in the rainforest epiphytes cover trees and rocks many of them regarded as rare ferns in horticulture.

On the forest floor fungi thrive in the damp leaf litter. Some delicate like porcelain.

Others, more robust like this group of brown mushrooms which had a distinct sweet, fresh smell with thick,white flesh but I was not courageous enough to taste it. Mushrooms were an important part of rainforest Aboriginal people's diet, unfortunately much of this knowledge has been lost.
Pat's home is a love affair with timber and when you enter you step back one hundred years to a much simpler life.
No mobile phone, no computer connection, no windows, no doors, no electrical gadgets, no television; a simple life immersed in the rainforest with, of course, the ABC.

The bathroom sits between the flanges of a giant spurwood tree with vines as towel rails.
The hand basin a clam shell and no mirrors.
There is always time for a 'Nanny Nap'.

On my way home I accepted an invitation to breakfast with Mike Berwick. Mike is rebuilding his old home and discovering again his love of woodwork.
Mike and I had frank discussions about a wide range of issues from
feral pigs, revegetation, sand mining and the cost of environmental programmes.

'Snout' was quite agitated so I backed off. Unfortunately, 'Snout' has not returned and no one else has sighted him or the chick. There is plenty of fruit around so I hope we will see him and the chick again soon.

Cheers for this week,
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