'Dad 1' has a particularly distinctive wattle and is a good carer with one or two of his chicks reaching adulthood every two years or so.
It would be nice to give this bird a name that better describes his unusual wattle and his place, as the senior male, in the Cassowary community of Coquette Point. Please send in your suggestions.
The new chick is very cute and curious and one wonders what will be his future?
At Friday's Council of Australian Governments meeting the Abbott Government struck deals with all State Governments to divest itself of approvals powers for environmental assessments of development project, when triggers such as impacts on threatened species or landscapes may need to be considered.
under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act the Federal Government had oversight powers to ensure that places of special biodiversity or threatened species were protected.
The Prime Minister, Tony Abbott, has sold his policy with a one liner, 'One Stop Shop with no Green Tape'. Few people have looked behind the one liner and thought about the impact this policy will have on the survival of endangered and threatened species or of consequences for the aesthetics of our foreshores, waterways, National Parks and the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park. The 'devil is in the detail' and the outcome will be development with no regard for the value of the exceptional landscapes or for endangered species. What will we lose?
The matriarch cassowary 'Jessie' has been visiting the cashew tree on her way to the mangroves every day. She stretches up to examine the cashews for ripeness. When she finds a ripe fruit she plucks it, then tosses and swallows it whole. The huge lump of fruit slowing moving down her throat.

Young cassowary 'Stumpy' visited the wax jambu, Syzygium aqueum, tree this week.
'Stumpy' is a chick from 'Dad 1' 2010 and has a sibling chick unnamed as yet.
'Q' also turned up, I heard her walking through the mangroves and when she came out she was in a big hurry heading for the rainforest her long legs covered in mud.
'Q' is a chick from 'Little Dad' 2010. The sibling chick is 'Don'. The mother is 'Jessie'.
It is good to see these young cassowaries thriving.
I have not seen 'Snout' and his new chick this week, however Ruth reported a sighting from the top of the Range which I believe from the description could be them.

In the rainforest Phaleria clerodendron, the scented Daphne is in fruit.
The native nutmeg, Myristica insipid is in heavy flower.

The bright red flowers of the flame tree, Brachychiton acerifolius are full of nectar and a buzz with bees.
The sarsaparilla tree, Alphitonia petite's branches are laden with snow white blooms and are also a-buzz with insects.
The rain forests are adorned with summer blossom.
Butcher bird's chick fledged this week and was so clumsy with his first flight. Mum and Dad accompanied the young bird as he flew into the melaleuca swamp. When he landed on his first branch he almost fell off until he steady himself and clasped the branch tightly. His dappled feathers are a remarkable colour and they contrast with his blue beak.
Although this bird is know as the alarm bird of the forest on this occasion she was so busy with her task that she paid no attention to me. Unfortunately I did not have the long lens with me, luckily I was close enough to get these photos.
Pied Imperial pigeons have entered another breeding cycle and six birds now serenade the sunrise in six -part harmony. These PIPs' are leaving earlier and returning later than they were last month.
The beautiful Cardwell lily, Proiphys amboinensis is in flower and I found this praying mantis hanging upside down, trying to hide from the sight of any insect coming to feed on the fresh pollen. Although I did not see the mantis capture an insect he hung around on the flowers all week.
The Cardwell lily always flowers at Christmas time and is also know as the Christmas lily.
School holidays started yesterday so look out for wandering youths.
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