It is the day after the World Cassowary Day event and I am pleased to report it was a wonderful success. It was so great to meet and link with the people in groups and government departments involved in the environment from all over north Queensland. They came to World Cassowary Day to showcase their areas of environmental concerns and to place a focus on their activities.
Friends of Coquette Point displayed, with pictorial exhibits, the cassowaries, migratory and resident shorebirds and the amazing diversity of insects found in the World Heritage Wet Tropics forests of Coquette Point.
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Ruth Lipscomb, Jan Shang, Bill and Kerry Farnsworth and Yvonne |
It was wonderful to have entomologist and photographer Bill Farnsworth, resident of Coquette Point, who brought his amazing photographic collection of insects. Even better was having Bill on hand to discuss the distribution of some of these, mostly common but sometimes rare insects. Bill talked to students both local and from all over the world, who attended World Cassowary Day. It showed hope for the future to see so many young people interested in the environment.
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Paul Webster hands over WCD to Mayor Julia Leu |

Ruth Lipscombe offers a special word of thanks to the organisers of WCD.
"The well organised promotion of WCD at Mission Beach by a large number of groups and individuals, resulted in one of the best attended events I have seen for years.
Two of the Cassowary Hot Spots, Mission Beach and Coquette Point were covered by wonderful photos taken by Liz Gallie, Yvonne Cunningham and Bill Farnsworth amongst others. Yvonne's banner told a story in its own right. Bob Irwin was also very impressed with the visual display by Nellie and Henry Epong of the Mandubarra Turtle Rehabilitation Centre. A huge round of applause to everyone involved". Ruth Lipscomb.
A special thanks to Henry and Nellie Epong for helping to erect our tent. We took our own tent and tried to make our display as sustainable as possible with the fewest inputs.
A special thanks to the Cassowary Coast Council who provided us with display material for recycling and composting.
I have been invited to be guest speaker for the local Diabetes Innisfail group on Tuesday and have set aside some of the Council's recycling and composting display material to use for that talk. Compost bins are the best way to recycle household waste and turn it into valuable organic food for the garden. Even old display material can be reused or recycled.
The Cassowary Coast Mayor, Bill Shannon stopped by our exhibit and commented on the Clean Rivers campaign and his desire to see a better outcome for the quality of water in the rivers and creeks of the Cassowary Coast Region. He also expressed an interest to learn more about the special environment of Coquette Point as detailed on this blog. Welcome to the mailing list Mayor Shannon.
Late Wednesday afternoon I received a phone call from a lady who was driving on the Coquette Point Road and said she saw a cassowary with a severe limp walking very slowly into the nursery grounds. She described the cassowary as being all black but rather small in size. It sounded like a description for Gregory. Although it was right on dusk I searched the area where she said she had seen the cassowary cross but I could not see any sign of it. At the bottom of the road I could hear a dog barking. As it was getting dark I decided not to investigate.

I walked all my bush tracks but saw no cassowaries at all. This was unusual as I normally always see a least one cassowary on early morning walks. I returned to the nursery and phoned the Cassowary Hotline and reported that someone had seen a cassowary limping badly. I told them not to bother to send anyone as I would continue to search and would ring if I found an injured bird.
About an hour later I heard a car engine start and I went down to see if the car occupants had any knowledge of an injured cassowary. I saw four men loading a small dingy into the back of the ute, the dog was still locked inside the car. They said they had no knowledge of any cassowary.
I returned to the nursery and was surprised to see two EHP Rangers arrive, they asked permission to search my property for the injured cassowary. I gave them permission but could not go with them as a nursery customer had arrived. They returned a half hour later and told me they had not seen any sign of a cassowary.
This is the first time in three years that I have had an immediate response to a report of an injured cassowary. It shows that there has been a change in the mindset of the Department of EHP towards reports of injury to threatened species, at least cassowaries anyway. I do hope now that World Cassowary Day is over that the Minister, Dr Steven Miles, stays firm in his resolve to protect threatened species in Queensland.

I have seen lots of cassowary footprints on the beach and the magnificent red fig ficus drupacea is in fruit again and I think the cassowaries are walking up from the beach to access the fruit.
It is always fascinating to watch the flocks of shining starlings flying into the canopy of the fig tree, when they jostle each other for possession of the fruit they knock at least half the ripe fruits to the ground. It is often only a matter of minutes before the cassowaries show up to collect the fallen fruits. At first it appears the starlings are carelessly wasting half the fruits, whereas their playful antics provide a feast for the cassowaries. This is a good example of the interdependence of species within the rainforest environment.

Cassowary chick Kin, all this week, has been staying very close to his dad Snout. I think the temporary separation last week has taught him a lesson not to let dad out of sight.
You will need to look carefully to see cassowary chick Kin in the photo on the right below. The cassowary chick's stripey brown colours are a perfect camouflage on the rainforest floor.

I saw matriarch Jessie sitting and looking very demure. Most unusual for our 'Jackboots Jessie' as Ruth likes to call her. I was concerned that something was wrong and then I saw she was giving the 'Julie eye' to Snout. Snout looked at her but soon turned and walked away with Kin close behind.

This submissive display by Jessie is an example of how the female invites the male for courtship. However, in this case the male cassowary Snout has a chick only a few months old and the last thing he is interested in at the moment is to enter into another releationship, so he walked away. Cassowary body language is very revealing and fascinating to observe.
Pam Birchley drove out to Coquette Point this week and saw cassowary Brown Cone with his two chicks close to the Ninds Creek Bridge. Pam said the chicks are the colour of the dead grass and it was difficult to see them, she said it would be good to see that grass all the way around the bend in the road was kept mown a good distance from the side of the road. Thank you for the photos Pam and I will see what can be done about the tall grass on that bend of the road.
Cassowary Brown Cone's chicks are very large now and it won't be long before he separates from them. It is the time of separation which is the most dangerous for the young subadult cassowary as it tries to establish its own territory and find food without the dad's help.
I did just a short walk on the beach this week but was delighted to see, for the first time, at least three great knots. The photos below were taken at different positions on the beach and I believe, after I examined my photos that there were three different birds present. Billie Gill recorded great knots at Coquette Point in the 1970's but I had never seen them. Of course they use the sandflats at Coquette Point as a 'pit stop' and often they only stay a day or two and so it is easy to miss a bird if you are not on the beach every day. I was really thrilled to confirm that this little migratory shore bird is still visiting Coquette Point for some R&R.

There were lots of stingray wallows on the beach and of varying size. This indicates a good population at varying ages of rays along this part of the coastline.
I noticed some chicks among the gull-billed terns. It is spring after all.

Even Major skink is in the mating mood. He grabbed hold of this female and held on for over an hour. She is likely to give birth to half a dozen young in three months time. There is a large population of major skinks at Coquette Point and they grow up to 60 cm in length.

When I see a frog and I am not sure of the ID, I contact my froggy friend Russell Constable. When Russell is not sure he contacts herpetologist Andrew Small and that is how it went last week when I found the large frog in the photo above amongst my plants on the bench.
Andrew has identified him as Mixophyes coggeri the lowland mottled barred frog. Andrew states, 'There is lots and lots of variation in this critter: that's how it evaded detection for so long. It's generally a little more robust that M schevilli'. (the upland species.) Thank you Andrew and Russell when I tried to get a side photo he jumped away quickly and I have not seen it again.
The Clean Rivers Campaign this week focused on the erosion along the high and low banks of the North and South Johnstone Rivers. This should not be happening as these areas are a declared public esplanade. However, the Department of Natural Resources has granted leases and a permit to occupy the esplanade to the adjacent farms. Subsequently the riparian vegetation has been removed and as a result severe erosion has occurred along the high and low banks of the rivers. At times this erosion threatens buildings and is a real and ever-present hazard to farm workers using tractors along the farm headlands alongside the collapsing river banks.
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Farm lands stretch alongside the North and South Johnstone River. |

Pope Francis addressed the United Nations this week and in an emotional plea to world leaders he told them, "We are not authorised to abuse the environment......Mankind is not authorised to abuse it and much less authorised to destroy it"
Sunset over the Johnstone River with the large fig ficus drupacea silhouetted against the skyline on the left. A cassowary is in the middle of the picture walking down onto the beach. I do not know which one, but he was walking quickly, no doubt after enjoying a feed of figs. Could have been either Ky or Gregory.
Cheers for this week,
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