The monsoon trough has dropped down and as I speak there are two active lows, one circulation over the Wet Tropic Coast and the other in the Gulf of Carpentaria. We now are in a waiting game to see what will happen.
Pond apples are ripening on the trees and the cassowaries are enjoying the sweet feast.
As soon as a pond apple fruit falls Jessie rushes to eat it.
While Snout keeps out of sight hiding in the swamp.
Rosie has returned to the end of Coquette Point and she is looking quite beautiful with her wattles developing.
When Rosie turns up Snout chases her with much honking. She doesn't run far and it seems more a game than the aggressive behaviour he shows to Biggles when Snout chases until Biggles is far away.
This young butcher bird has just left the nest and the parents guard it carefully and respond to its continuous calls for food by bringing lizards snakes and frogs.
Jumping spiders are very active this week and the one on the right is a new one for me. It is so amazing to see the diversity of these little creatures.
This white barred moth is deeply drinking the sweet nectar of a native spathlogottis ground orchid, flowers are everywhere in the rainforest.
Cheers for now and let us hope all remain safe while natural disasters seem to be a part of everyday 21st century life. We know what we have done to cause it but we don't know how to fix it as the tipping point has long gone.
On that happy note cheers,
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